Ideas in Orbit Podcast, Episode 1 (Bonus)
Listen now as Jessica explores her thoughts on creativity in her own practice, and feels inspired to share with others.
Hello everyone and welcome to the first episode of whatever this is going to be called I've been thinking of the creative process or the process but those titles are kind of taken already so I really just wanted to get this recorded to see how it sounds and just kind of laugh at the beginning but I really have thought about I just thought about recently like the creative process a lot within my Consulting work that I'm trying to get lunch and so I thought about interviewing people's name see how they incorporate the creative work to their own creative production so I guess I'd be talking to artists technical workers scientists anyone from any career or any mode of production so that's kind of podcast I'm actually sort of brainstorming out loud which is part of my creative process but I wanted to kind of just get this out there I don't have the branding yet I don't have a video complementary video or supplementals yet I don't have free material yet but I think part of my creative process is the process of discovery and in past experience I know that for my creative making sometimes I get stuck if I get overwhelmed and I know a lot of people are like this with you just kind of spell it out or flush it out on paper a little bit and then you start looking up like how do I do this thing and then how do I do that thing that is needed for that part of the process so what I've learned is part of the creative process is just doing doing it I know you know all these Graphics I've even made my own graphic about the creative process or an infographic and one of the there's like five steps on there one of them is like take some time for yourself but beyond those five steps it's like you have to even just get to that process in terms of doing something like just do the active doing is probably one of those unspoken parts of the creative process I suppose I'm telling future episodes I want to chat with people about what their thoughts are on their modes of production and and so that's kind of where I'm at so I guess by the time I post this this probably will have a title maybe I'll change the title but I don't even have like a cover I don't have cover art so I'm going to need some cover art but yeah I I'm actually looking forward to formulating episodes and talking to people in different walks of life because creative processor creativity but you know we have everyday creativity and we also have bigger creativity you know that's more novel or like momentous So also as I'm recording this my dog's are hounding me for treats so you're hearing crackling in the background that's my job sometimes introductory type of thing maybe I guess this podcast is going to be real short this time introductory type of thing maybe this will end up being like a sleep with me podcast cuz I might just bore people to death but I would hope that people listening music Type of thing maybe this will end up being like a sleep with me podcast cuz I might just bore people to death but I would hope that people listening wouldn't be bored by people I was interviewing I guess so if you're listening to this thanks for listening I don't even have a sponsor so I don't even know if I need to look for one but right now my sponsor is me, Jessica, and welcome to the podcast land, creativity land. Thanks a lot for listening. I’ll see you next time.