Senior Statement
Spring 2017
Welcome and thank you for visiting!
I found the Creative Arts program by chance. I was a transfer to San José State University, fresh out of the Applied Music program at a community college in the Los Angeles area. I was interested in continuing a music degree; however, the day I perused the SJSU majors online was the day that changed my life. I was hooked when I read how the Creative Arts program placed “emphasis on the interdisciplinary exploration of the arts, the creative process, creativity and creative leadership, and the relevance of the arts to different societies and cultures.” Soon enough, I was learning about the creative process, making a documentary that highlights gentrification in San José, designing board games and digital games, and learning how art is at the heart of social change.
What an incredible experience!
My time at San José State has been profoundly and ineffably life-changing. I'd like to think that what I present in this portfolio is a representation of this experiential journey. I've certainly made mistakes along the way (and will definitely make many more!) but these failings only strengthen my future critical endeavors. Though the Creative Arts program, I've learned that taking risks is a humongous part of the critical process.